We offer transformative shared experiences that deepen relationships and inspire profound  connection.

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Hi, I'm Adam Taffler, the founder of Togetherness.

Growing up, I never felt like I truly belonged—whether it was at school, with my family, or in my relationships. I was always on the outside, trying desperately to fit in. It was exhausting.

So, I did what a lot of us do—I became a people-pleaser. I’d bend over backwards to make others happy, thinking that’s how I’d finally feel accepted.

But, all that led to were broken relationships. I lost touch with who I was. I was so focused on imagining what others wanted that I forgot to even ask myself what I needed.

I became fascinated with how we relate, what we say and what we hold back and how it can weigh on every aspect of our lives. I studied with some of the worlds leading experts and in 2017 held the first Togetherness festival of human connection.

My passion is creating spaces where we can feel like we are deeply seen, where we can belong and experience deep layers of connection that are off the radar for most of us.

I created Togetherness to spread these ideas and skills. Join us in co-creating a new culture of relating that reflects our radiant and luminous humanity.

 We have three programme offerings.

Relational Intelligence

Circling is a unique meditation practiced with others. It involves tuning into your body sensations, acknowledging impulses, and expressing the impact of others' words on you. 

Discover Circling

The Art of Giving and Receiving

Elevate your relationships by navigating boundaries and desires with confidence and grace

Start My Journey

Authentic Leadership

Revitalise your team dynamics, enhance workplace culture, and boost interpersonal skills. Unleash the full creative potential and diversity within your workforce with our transformative leadership and cultural change offerings.

Togetherness at work

Upcoming Experiences

The Art of Giving and Receiving

Clapham, London, 

7-8 December 2024

Start My Journey

Relational Academy One Day Immersion


October 27

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Weekly in-person Circling Evenings in London

Check below for dates and availability 

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Insights Hub

Five Counter-Intuitive Insights into Circling

Dec 15, 2023

The Vulnerability and Power of Asking for Exactly What You Want

Nov 14, 2023

How to stay in connection (and deepen it) when you’re feeling angry...

Sep 14, 2023

Self-Responsibility: Owning Your Experience

Aug 01, 2023

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Discover the 7 Secrets To Deeper Human Connection

Transform your relationships and experience richer intimacy by mastering these simple life-changing techniques.

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