Authentic RelatingĀ & Circling

1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month in London

Authentic Relating (AR) is the practice of freely expressing your true experience in the company of others.
Expressing in this way enables you to create connections in the world based on who you really are.


Join Games Night

Playing these games regularly develops our skills for any relationship, be it with colleagues, housemates, friends, family members, clients or romantic partners.


Connection can be fun and easy!

These games enrich our relationships, help us develop relational skills and give us access to the benefits of authentic connection. This can be playful and also deep.

Often communication starts and stops because we feel unsure about how to approach it, what to say, or what to ask. Turning communication into a game provides a guiding structure and set of agreements for everyone involved. This removes a lot of the stress and anxiety from connection and adds in an inviting element of play.


AR Games are designed to take you from

Surface level answers → Sharing what’s really going on

Feeling disconnected to → Feeling a real bond

Not knowing what to say to → A connected in-flow conversation

Lack of understanding to → Gaining helpful insights about each other


Benefits of AR

  • Find more freedom to be yourself
  • Experience the joy and richness of deeper connection
  • Improve relational capacity in all areas
  • Develop authentic leadership skills
  • Meet interesting new people and have fun!


Whether you are curious about what richer connection can feel like, want to deepen your relational skills or just want to meet new people and have a joyful experience, this is for you.



£15 - £25


We begin at 7pm and kindly ask you to arrive 10 mins before so we can start promptly. We finish by 9pm.

This event repeats every 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month.



Psychocynthesis Trust, 94 Tooley St, London SE1 2TH. This is 5 mins walk from London Bridge station.

Session facilitators

These sessions are led by founder Adam Wilder and special guests.

Adam is an experienced group facilitator and entrepreneur who studied connection for many years in the worlds of comedy and improvisation before training as a counsellor and founding the Togetherness movement. He has worked with more than 10,000 people and is known for creating Shhh Dating, the worlds first non-verbal speed dating experience, running the House of Togetherness pop up in Covent Garden and hosting the largest mass spooning in the world at Wilderness festival in 2019. Recently he qualified as a Wheel of Consent® facilitator and is currently training to teach Circling. Adam brings a refreshing lightness and authenticity to his facilitation style.

Occasionally, Adam invites very special guests to lead or co-lead with.